The living of life with Design and Creativity.
We see and experience it wherever we go! Even the beach with its unique pieces of driftwood – the aging colours in the sands, or the shells showing their worn journey. All different hues of colour. The leaves change colour as the seasons turn the vivid greens into burnish browns and oranges. Tall, solid trees are everywhere and create strong greens all through the country. Green is an antioxidant for the mind – it enhances our soul and brings vitality and peace. Peace and tranquility are paramount in Japan. As well as respect for each other. Faith is also very strong, so Japan has amazing temples. Huge Buddhas abound. This is also evident in the Japanese elders wearing traditional kimonos and wooden thongs on their feet. Tradition is alive and well here. Our trip to Japan was so full of bright colours... the kimonos, the coloured bazaars, the textiles, the layering of cloth for sashes and accessories, the silks, cottons, voiles, sateens. Immaculate window dressings in designer stores were amazing. The attention to detail in shoes, handbags, cravats, bow ties – all so neatly co-ordinated. Ladies and gentlemen are not afraid of colour. Hair and makeup are perfect with their fine features and beautiful skin. Great to see perfectly attired for their day’s activities. Lemon, white, navy with pearls and suits. Gold and white leather handbags or leather satchels. Shoes to compliment and sunglasses to finish. What a treat to behold.